Unique lifechanging experience in KoPlac
Ahoj! Cześć! Hi! Let me guess….
Now you are surfing the KoPlac page and probably thinking about having an internship here. Thousands of questions pop up in your mind and attack it: “Is it worth? Will it be the right choice to apply the documents? Am I sure that the Czech Republic is the best option? What is KoPlac?….” No worries! I hope that my story will help you. But first some words about who I am.
My name is Julia. I’m a student of management and marketing from Poland. But originally I was born in Ukraine. So I’m the lucky one because I have two native countries:) As soon as I turned 18 I decided to take a chance, not to waste my time and go to the Erasmus internship. Brno was the first variant in my list because it’s my first year and I didn’t want to go somewhere far from Poland. So I risked and now enjoying the last days with my KoPlac family, inspired and motivated I’m tapping some words on my keyboard, that flow like a water.
Don’t be wondered that I used such word as a “family” to describe the KoPlac. Here you feel at home because of the warm relaxing atmosphere and of course people… People are that unique secret ingredient that makes the dish perfect! You can meet here a lot of new friends from different backgrounds and experience from all over the world. This is a place where all your crazy ideas are considered and if you are stuck, be sure that you will receive some help.
Beside this, working in the KoPlac is a great opportunity to boost up your skills that you are specialized in. You will learn something new every day and finally leave the office with a huge baggage of new knowledge and working experience.
And the last but not least, what I’m going to tell you about is city. Brno isn’t really a touristic destination and you will not mention here crowds of crazy tourists exploring the city. Someone may consider that this is because Brno isn’t beautiful enough but in truth, Brno has its own unexplored character and the real city magic. There are lots of things that you will be surprised by! There is a link for my own city tour, that will help you to see the main places of interest. But be sure that this tour is not the all you can see, this city has a lot of secrets 😉 https://www.outdooractive.com/en/urban-walk/brno-one-day-city-tour/30880430/
So put your worries aside, come and join the KoPlac family in Brno!!!