Startup Weekend Brno #3 happened on 9th June till 11 June at Newton College in the heart of Brno’s center. At the same time, 16 Startup Weekend events organized across six continents.
Category: Events
Startup Weekend Brno #3-Warm up
The second Startup Europe Week (6th- 10th February) happened in 100 cities, all over Europe. As, in 2016, KoPlac was SEW17 co-organiser and held its own event in Brno, the Czech Republic for the initiative last week. We organized a Warm up for upcoming StartupWeekend Brno#3.
Kosmo den v KoPlacu / Launch your space business
GEW 2016-Punk your Business
Punk your business is round table organize by KoPlac. Our guest will present their unusual business and share their experience in the informal and international environment. The event is eligible for people who have unusual and authentic business idea and want to know more how to start the business. Save the date on 16th of November, when the event is going to be held at the KoPlac office Příkop 2a from 18:00 o’clock.
London Startup Scene
Londýn patří se svým startupovým ekosystémem k těm nejúspěšnějším v celé Evropské unii.