About KoPlac

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About KoPlac

About KoPlac

What is KoPlac? KoPlac, to je hlavně místo. Místo, kde se komunikuje, kooperuje, kopracuje, komyslí a kovynalézá. KoPlac, to je komunita lidí, kteří chtějí společně


Develop your business ideas in the professional and friendly environment in Brno.

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Do you want to cooperate with us, join our community or just to use our services?

Startup Weekend

Startup Weekend

The story of Startup Weekend Startup Weekend began in 2007 in Colorado by Andrew Hyde....
We are looking for interns

We are looking for interns

If you are proactive, want to learn new things and develop your skills, then KoPlac...
Prostory KoPlacu

Prostory KoPlacu

Chcete využít prostory KoPlacu pro vaši soukromou nebo veřejnou akci? Neváhejte se na nás obrátit...
KoPlac komunita

KoPlac komunita

Potřebujete se dostat z každodenního stereotypu. Načerpat novou energii a inspiraci. KoPlac je tu jenom...


Find the best internship for you.

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Our Team

Lenka Kührová
Lenka Kührová

Lenka zajišťuje administrativní a finanční stránky KoPlacu. Dále se o všechny členy stará, aby se cítili jako doma. Buchty, které Lenka napekla na Startup Weekend

Lenka Kührová
Jan Orava
Jan Orava

Spoluzakladatel a mentor Jan Orava byl u vzniku koworkingového místa KoPlac v Brně. KoPlac propojuje startupery a zaměřuje i na cizince žijící v Brně. Pravidelně

Jan Orava
Luděk Kühr
Luděk Kühr

Spoluzakladatel a mentor Luděk se dokáže nadchnout pro i ten nejbláznivější nápad, má výborné komunikační dovednosti, ovládá plynule angličtinu a němčinu. Své rozsáhlé zkušenosti s

Luděk Kühr


Contact Us

KoPlac Info

Číslo účtu : 2900705961 / 2010

Majitel : KoPlac, z.s.

IBAN : CZ3120100000002900705961



Název: KoPlac, z.s.

Provozovna : Příkop 2a, 602 00 Brno

Sídlo: Plynárenská 539/8a, Zábrdovice, 602 00 Brno

Identifikační číslo: 03499499

Contact Phone

Luděk Kühr, +420 605 822 228, ludek.kuhr@koplac.cz

Global gate to your success


KoPlacement is the new project of KoPlac which goal is to promote Programme Erasmus + Placement widely across the Czech Republic.

Internships abroad are nowadays truly attractive through students in all of the countries and are valuable opportunities for companies.

We already have long time experience with visiting Interns and advanced knowledge of Internship Programme.

Our agency provides services either for Interns– to find an appropriate placement and prepare for a future career and for Companies- to select interns and give a hand with formal documentation.


Advantages for students:

  • Increasing experience time
  • Gaining new valuable skills
  • Improving foreign languages
  • Working in flexible period
  • Challenging yourself
  • Visiting new country
  • Discovering new culture
  • Cooperating in International environment
  • Building your career
  • Enriching personal CV
  • Opportunities  for traveling
  • Self- improvement

Advantages for companies:

  • Being a mentor
  • Providing knowledge
  • Developing companies
  • Enrich work environment
  • Gaining new workers
  • Saving money
  • Building international team
  • No paperwork
  • Raising good employer
  • Saving time
  • Developing new ideas

Additionally, we offer services for students to prepare everything before internship which might contain: city guides, basic information about living in the Czech Republic, culture, language, and accommodation.Services mentioned above will help you to avoid stressful situations and to get ready for your placement.

How to apply:

  • Fulfill online application http://bit.ly/2vc0ZB3 and send your CV to
  • Next record a short video about yourself (brief presentation, your hobbies, why you
    want to come here, and interesting things about you) max. 2 minutes. Add the link with
    video to the online application. You can use: http://www.edisk.cz/en to share a video
    using Dropbox or Youtube. You can make a video with a phone or computer. After that,
    add the link with video to the online application.

If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to help you.
Thank you

Current Offers




GIS Specialist at KoPlac.

Human Resources


Erasmus Start-up at KoPlac.
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